I hope you all had a great weekend!
Just a several months ago, 6 to be exact, was when we suddenly realized we couldn't keep our home and had moved into a new place just in November of last year. A few weeks ago, we finally completed the process of selling our home to the new owners and said our last goodbyes to the place we loved so much. Having had this all happen in such a short amount of time has not only brought us through some really desperate circumstances, but also has given us a new perspective on life and in our faith. I wish I could begin to tell you in detail, all the moments that my husband and I have suffered such deep sorrow, emotional pain, stress, and a kind of fear that almost seemed paralyzing, yet only drove us to push ourselves beyond the limits to believe and place our trust in God. By His love and grace, we have seen miracles take place and have felt His love through the darkest moments. If I can describe how it felt, I would say it was almost like losing someone you loved dearly or having to let go and leave behind a truly special friendship. I know that there are much more painful experiences that people go through that cannot compare to this, so I can't truly complain that this wasn't like losing someone special to us and that it was just something material. The impact of this experience however, has really shown us how we are not invincible to life's challenges, no matter how big or small, nothing is promised forever on earth. Sometimes we have to let go. Sometimes we have to lose something, to gain something. Sometimes we need to be uprooted, to be planted somewhere else in order to grow...
The picture above is of a paper weight I saw at World Market. My husband and I actually purchased it as a gift to the new homeowners who bought our home. It was our way of just making them feel welcome to a home that has been in the family for 3 decades where our lives have been blessed throughout those years. We wanted them to know how that home has been a beautiful place that holds so many wonderful memories for our family and that we wish the same for them....
Right now, we are starting to finally pick the pieces, dust off all the negative emotions, and taking it one day at a time. Already, we have found so many reasons that confirms how our move led us to this new place, which we would not have imagined would happen if we never moved. The blessings that have been flowing into our lives and the doors that have opened up to us is unbelievable. And of course, it is all because of how much my faith has grown due to having gone through the storms of life. It's a NEW SEASON... hopefully to prosper and gain new opportunities in both our creative and personal ambitions.

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