I'm back!!!
Our Spring Break was spent up north in Seattle, WA and we had such a BEAUTIFUL time as always. Loved that even though the forecast expected rain for most of our stay, it was nothing but sunny blue skies and temperatures in the high 60's. It was surprising and even the locals were saying they think we must have brought them the sunshine. Ha! I'm just thankful that everyday during our stay we were able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Pacific Northwest and do all the fun things we wanted to do without being wet from rain. Such a blessing!
Now that our break is over, its back to reality, back to the grind, and back to a healthy diet! We all know that when you're traveling and staying in a hotel, dining out is inevitable unless you have those hotel suites with a kitchenette so you can cook your own meals. But between all the activities, sightseeing, driving around town, and visiting with friends and family, I wouldn't have had the time or energy anyways. So yeah, I came home and weighed in to find that I had gained FIVE pounds. Oh snap! I don't regret it though, we ate some good food up there. Photos of my food journey coming up soon in another post!
Anyways, I am dreading tomorrow. Mondays usually suck, but tomorrow is probably going to be harder than usual as it always is after a nice vacay like we just had. But, I gotta do what I gotta do. We are all going to be in bed early (at least try) so we can actually survive getting up in the morning, get ready, eat breakfast, take the boys to school, hubby goes off to work, and I will need to seriously need to get down to business. Lots of ideas and goals I have for Makita Studio began to clarify while I was away and I need to stay focused and decide on where I want to take my art this year and the next 5 years, short and long term goals to be exact. :)
So, I hope to get the ball rolling and we'll see where this will go!

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