Monday, May 24, 2010

Walk with ME...

Since I've started this blog--Makita Studio--I haven't really posted much about my life or the other side of my world that goes on behind the scenes. Originally, I wanted to keep this blog sort of separate from my personal life, but it's been really hard to keep two blogs going at one time (yes, I actually have more than one blog).

So, be expecting to see more on this blog about me + the crazy life I live and love. It's filled with much more than being an aspiring artist. You'll get to peek into the everyday scenarios of a stay-at-home mom who deals with the chaos of raising two highly curious + imaginative boys, of a wife to the most wonderful husband who is one of the few reasons why I'm living my dream right now, and of the world outside of my doorstep to places near and far that has colored my life with beauty, joy, + laughter....

I don't know how often or how much I will get to share, but I know that it will hopefully give someone a way to connect and relate to me, something that I've come to appreciate when I read through some of the blogs that I follow. It makes the world a smaller place when we find ourselves familiar with other's experiences. For me, it gives me inspiration to learn from others + gain insight to people, places, and things that I would have never known or heard of. With that said, I hope to be a voice that speaks about life and all the things that matter beyond my passion for art + all things creative:)

"Walk with ME..."

Lucas leading the way

That is what my youngest son said the other day as we embarked to take a stroll around the neighborhood. Our house sits at the top of a very steep hill and for years, I refused to even try walking up or down our block. Although, I love being outdoors and taking walks, I was intimidated by how steep the slope was going downhill or the thought of even trying to walk back uphill was dreadful. Or maybe I was just lazy. But, hearing that sweet voice of a 3 1/2 year old beckoning me to walk with him, was hard to resist. To my surprise, we walked the whole way down to the bottom, went to the local grocery store, and walked all the way back up. It really wasn't as bad as I thought! It helped that my boys love to talk about everything and ask tons of questions. It was more of an experience than just a journey down the steep hill. Exercise is definitely what I need anyway. The best part of it is seeing a face light up every time a bird flew by in the sky, a dog barking in a neighbor's window, or when we'd catch tiny trails of ants marching across the sidewalk, they'd stop and watch with awe. That was absolutely priceless. I took pictures with my iPhone, but next I know better to bring my actual camera. Uh. Hello? Shouldn't my camera be with me at all times? Again, I was feeling a little lazy. Haha... Lesson learned though!

my boys on our walks

So now we take walks whenever the weather is nice and hopefully this will always be a treasured memory that they can hold on to. With that said, I better make a point to scrap a page about it, right? 

Thank you for stopping by and reading this far:)

More to come....



shellinascrap said...

First of all, your boys are precious. Second, I am so excited to read more about you as a mom AND artist! What a great idea. Happy blogging, lovely. :)

Dahlia Co said...

THANK YOU!! More stories to come:)