Today is my hubby's birthday and as special as this day is for him, it's also a day that will forever be engraved into our memory. Nine years ago, I remember having a dream that shook me in the middle of the night as I recall seeing a building being bombed by missiles from across the sky. Two weeks later, my cousin whom I was living with, woke me up to watch the news about the Twin Towers being attacked by hijacked planes in NYC. I sat in front of the television with a flood of tears streaming down my face, my heart cringed with terror, and my mind full of confusion and agony that this was happening. It was so surreal and unbelievably traumatizing to watch when both towers collapsed to the ground taking so many lives with it. To this day, it is still very hard to imagine and my thoughts about this day will always be one that is very painful and heartbreaking.

However, I know that it also proved how very blessed we are and how much we often take so many things for granted. It also showed the relentless love and support that outpoured through so many relief and rescue efforts, communities, and organizations. Even when the hardest catastrophes hit, it's so amazing to see people come together to offer services to those who are in need of hope, healing, and comfort. The power of love was demonstrated in so many ways which made such an impact on so many lives during that tragic moment in history. Freedom does have a price and it costed so many lives for us to receive that gift of freedom. For that, I am forever indebted to all the men and women who gave their lives to serve and protect our country. Most of all, I am eternally grateful for God's unconditional love and mercy towards our country and for all of us who are still standing today.

On a happier note, my boys and I are going to spend the day with this special man whom we call "Hubby and Daddy". This morning started off with a birthday breakfast from moi, an
APPLE + CHEESE CREPE W/ BROWN SUGAR AND CINNAMON. Delicious and of course, my hubby loved it all....
What a day that was. Wow.
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