Hello January!
It's a NEW year -- 2011! I know that every year, many of us hold claim to the quote, "Out with the OLD and in with NEW" and that is exactly what I hope to achieve in the month of January. Already, I've set apart so many toys that my boys no longer need or want into a huge box to be donated and my next project is to tackle all the closets in the house--clothes, books, unnecessary junk that may just as well be someone else's treasure:). It will be a while before I can get it all done, but I am SO determined to SIMPLIFY and make more space, not to mention good for the heart + soul. There's something about it that is so liberating when you can let go of all that 'stuff' to keep your house clean + organized or simply put, so that you can give to help others who are in need...
Also, I am not a resolution type of girl. I already learned my lesson of setting up myself to fail. As a human being, I find it hard to stick to something when I set goals that are way above my standards or if my motives lack the drive and passion to stay committed to it. Some may resolve to get on a diet and lose weight, nothing wrong with that. But, it takes more work than one can expect to follow all these rigid regimes or plans that we hope to commit to than just making it a routine. It takes a change of heart and a strong mindset to really follow through...
I believe in "small steps = big changes".
So, this year I am doing one SMALL change to my eating habits and that is to drink more water a day. [those who know me, know that this is always a challenge for me] :) In regards to my finances, I'm going to put $30/31 a month = $1/day, away into a jar every month to save and make it a habit to increase it every year. It may not seem much, but it will eventually grow. Think of plant seeds and the amazing growth it brings when harvest is due. According to my faith, I know that the Bible says that even "faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains" which is really the foundation of anything I set out to achieve--is to have a little faith. For me, it's not only to have faith in myself, but most importantly in the Lord who makes all things possible. Little steps....
Hope you were encouraged and inspired to start out your year in a positive note as I shared my little seeds of faith with you!
More posts to come! The next one is going to delight your taste buds so come back soon :)
Love + Faith,

good resolutions for 2011!!!
Very Nice Sis! I love reading everyones New Year Blog. You are the 4th person for me to read. Everyone has a similar goals (in the sense that all want to better themselves and receive more of GOD's favor) but everyone also has different specific things which is Awesome. Little Steps is pretty Bomb. Thank you for your words! =)
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