Thursday, November 19, 2009

C2 | Jib Jab E-Cards

Oh boy... it's late night and I am just now posting a late Wednesday CREATIVE CONNECTION feature... But, no worries... I have something that I think is super funny, cute, creative, and inexpensive if you are someone who is into saving the planet and making more effort in being a Green advocate... OR if you simply love a little laugh and want to share that with others, then keep reading. :)

Some of us like browsing greeting card aisles for the perfect card to give to a special someone. I know I'm one of them and not only do I like the card aisle simply because I'm looking for a specific card, but because I love to get inspired by the designs and pieces of art, let alone the inspirational or humorous messages, that they often bring. Yes, I do get sentimental or maybe even teary, over the corny inscriptions. LOL! Or you can be the crafty type who doesn't think it makes sense to spend a few bucks on a card when you have all the supplies you need to create one handmade. After all, handmade cards is a sure way to show someone that you really do care by putting your thought, time, and effort to create something unique and straight from the heart, something I personally love to do, but more on that another day...

Anyways, today's CREATIVE CONNECTION is about an online e-card site known as JIB JAB

I discovered them a year ago through a promotional ad by Office Max around this same time. It was an interactive video that allowed you to upload your own personal photos to plug into individual characters that were part of the video cast. In this case, it was a holiday video of little elves that danced to music. I found myself so amused and at times laughing hysterically as I took a peek at some of the other e-card videos on their site. Here's a sample of one that I created today that I just have to share, check it out:

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

What I found very interesting and quite fun for those of us who like E-Cards or that sort of thing, is that you can personalize the e-cards and videos with your own photos. And if you want to go further, you can make some really neat gifts as well. It's a really cool way of sending someone a greeting for those special occasions in an instant and be able to save a little considering how much we spend on purchasing cards for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's, Christmas and so on a year...well, you know what I mean.

JIB JAB is definitely something to consider for a quick and easy card giving tool, especially when we're pressed for time in such a busy world. ( Don't worry I still love making handmade cards..hehe ) And if you're seriously interested, now is a great time to take advantage of their limited time offer of ONE YEAR UNLIMITED ACCESS MEMBERSHIP of $9.99.

Of course, it may not be for everyone, but there may be some out there who are looking for something out of the ordinary that will not only bring out a smile, but some laughter out of that special someone. Laughter is good. Good medicine for the soul... If you're not too excited about joining, there's also some free selections to enjoy just like the video I created above. So check it out!

Before I go, here's another one I couldn't help making, especially because my boys and I could not stop giggling :)

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

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