I missed out on it, but I do recall hearing my husband outside our deck lugging his tripod and camera in hand and hearing him say, "WHOAHHHHHHHH, THAT'S COOL!" I'm not sure if I was dreaming or awake, but I remember him barging in our bedroom turning on all the lights that my eyes hurt, to show me the shot he took. I couldn't really see because my vision was blurred, but I know I must of said, "Oh, that's nice...." and went back to sleep. But, now that I'm awake and had my morning cup of joe, I went on Facebook and saw that he actually took a REALLY great photo of the eclipse. Studies say that the last time this occurred was in 1638. Dude, that is like over 3 centuries ago....
So, without further ado... Just thought I'd share the photo that was took last night by my other half :) Enjoy!

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