After my hubby left for work, five minutes later he calls me saying he had car trouble and is parked off the of the highway. I'm feeling a little frazzled because I was already rushing to get my son to school on time. After dropping him off, my hubby and his car get towed back home and he tells me that the transmission went out. Oh crap. :( Knowing that our car's warranty expired meant that this would cost us a grip of money that we knew we didn't have considering that he is the only one working full-time while I stay home with the boys and even with my income as a independent designer, it just doesn't make all ends meet. So with this financial burden on our shoulders and the transportation issues that this will cause him since his job requires a 45 minute commute, has left us feeling disheartened and helpless. So we prayed together as we always do, putting our complete faith in God's hands because it's just beyond our control.
We then realize that we could use our tax refund, but we were still waiting for it. This led us to question why it was taking so long and what do you know, we called IRS and apparently our taxes were never filed by our accountant like we had assumed. WTH??? Immediately we contacted our accountant to see what the problem was and to our disappointment, he admitted that he dropped the ball and forgot to send it. Ok, so maybe this was all supposed to happen to the car just so we can find this out before the deadline, right? If that's the case, I guess I can't really be too upset. We totally believe that this was divine intervention as this occurred immediately after we prayed. ["And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God..." Romans 8:28]
As the day wore on, I couldn't really focus or feel up to doing anything but lay down since my lack of sleep the night before. I suddenly felt this urge to paint and create another page for my He{ART} Journal to document what I was feeling today. Knowing how liberating and therapeutic it was for me to create my first page the other day, it was like my body or should I say my soul, was reminding me to take my dose of medicine, but in this case, to let it all go and express through my art journal. Before I sat down to work on it, one of my favorite verses came to mind and right then, I had a vision of the page I wanted to create...
"Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint." ~ Isaiah 40:31
As soon as I finished, I felt a weight lift off my chest. I cannot explain it. Then, later on tonight we receive a substantial amount of money from a close relative who felt the need to help us out and give what they could. Again, God took care of this and was faithful like the Bible says He is, to those who honor and praise Him:) Before the kids went to bed, as always we pray together as a family, and we could not help, but be so humbled and thankful that although this day started out awful, it ended with peace and assurance that all is well and everything will be okay....

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