Also, I am being totally overwhelmed with so many other workshops being opened up in 2012 that I am anxious to be a part of. But, I really, really, really don't think it's within my budget especially with so many financial obligations that I am facing at the moment. It is so tough right now, but I have faith that things will work out once my hubby and I can begin to really focus on our photography biz and hopefully our individual passions with his plant nursery (which you can learn more about here.) and my artwork. Of course, I can't help but feel discouraged and a little apprehensive that what if it doesn't work out or maybe we can't be successful like others?!? That mindset needs to STOP. I need to remember that if others can make it, so can I. I have to try, I have to work hard, and I have to keep believing... With the adversities that I am facing at the moment, the setbacks and disappointments, the lack of finances, all these obstacles can easily deter me from reaching my dream and achieving my goals. However, it only pushes my limits to work with what I have and challenges me to take some chances on working hard at it or opening up an ETSY shop (currently under construction) perhaps? But, do I have the confidence and the determination to? I think so... wait, I BELIEVE SO...(gotta have faith, right?) I have to start somewhere and find out!
Out of all the workshops that I am dying to take, here are my list so far:
I love Julie Balzer and love her fun blog! Most of all, she is always sharing something new and fresh and so creatively inspiring on her blog in so many aspects of art--mixed media, scrapbooking, stamp carving, quilting, etc. Seriously, there isn't anything this woman can't do, she is LEGIT! And being a rubber stamp addict since a little girl, I cannot begin to tell you how excited I was to hear that she has this course available!
Christy Tomlinson has been a vital part of my creative journey since day one of my mixed-media adventure... I don't know where I'd be without her presence in this world! She is genuine, sweet, honest, and full of creative inspiration! My first workshop was She Had Three Hearts which I took last year and it has literally changed my life. This year she has a new type of workshop -- The Art of Wild Abandonment -- is one which she will be co-hosting with some her favorite artists. This one is with Junelle Jacobsen and from the looks of it, I am dying to learn from her! You can learn more about Junelle, here.
Okay, now at first I was thinking that this workshop only involved one person teaching 21 secrets, but lo and behold, there are 21 of some of the most talented, professional artists... All contributing their unique approaches and creative techniques to help broaden and grow your skills. Talk about creativity overload! This is the 3rd annual 21 Secrets online course hosted by Connie Hozvicka of Dirty Footrpints Studio. More details about it here.
Alisa Burke, is phenomenal. Enough said. Love her style. Its eccentric and lively, full of color and her expertise with sketching and doodles is out of this world. I feel giddy whenever I see her work, especially her graffiti style art. I wanna be like her when I grow up! Ha! Definitely going to take advantage of her courses this year, one way or another, even if means I need to save my pennies.
This is one of her online classes that recently opened up January 1st-- CREATE DAILY. :)
It is a course that will help incorporate simple ideas and prompts to get creative every day for 30 days and exercises that should jump start our habits and instill some creativity in our daily routine despite our busy schedules. Something I know happens to myself with the many priorities and responsibilities that comes with being a mom and wife. I love that I can relate to her approach for this course, because I know that it can be so easy to get caught up in life in general and be too busy to create to feed our creative souls.
Traci Bautista, is more than just an artist... She is a creative entrepreneur, author, teacher, just an overall amazing person. I can totally identify with her style because growing up a city girl, I have always been a lover of graffiti and street art, which I immediately knew that when I saw her work, I connected with it in a strong way. I love her sense of boldness in her use of colors and dimensional shapes and colors. It blows me away! Although she has several amazing online workshops available, her current release is one catered to those, like me, who want to really take our art and make it a successful creative business. I am totally inspired and motivated to really make what I do as my life's work, my career, my calling... If I'm going to begin towards that path, I know I can't just do it blindly. Big steps like this, need guidance and direction and who else is more than qualified than one who has been highly regarded and successful in this industry... So, if possible, I really hope to take this DREAM BIG 2012 course from Traci and make 2012 all about making my DREAM COME TRUE.
**She currently has a FREE online video workshop along with a few other artists over on the Strathmore website, and registration is now open**
And if I could travel, INSPIRED WORKSHOPS would be the ultimate workshop retreat that I would absolutely LOVE to go to because who does not love Donna Downey? I have been secretly admiring her work for the very longest time, since my pre-mixed media scrapbooking days. This woman is insanely one of the most gifted peeps in the industry... I've always heard and dreamed of going to one of her Inspired workshops located in Donna's very own studio not to mention be surrounded by other creatives like myself in one setting. Donna is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. It's an entire weekend of mixed media and art journaling with a limited number of 20 students and these workshops usually are sold out super quick! For this year, it will be for the weekends of April 19-22 and November 8-11 in North Carolina. I'm probably guessing that it will be sold out soon like it usually does, but if I suddenly have the means and the provisions to go, I am jumping on this for sure, probably more towards the November class. Anyone else going???
Okay!! Well, I know there are probably many more workshops, classes, and retreats out there to choose from and I'm sure there are lots of inspirational artists that are wonderful teachers, but I wanted to share ones that I have been inspired to learn from and workshops that I am strongly interested in. I could probably drive myself crazy with wanting to take so many classes and workshops and perhaps drive my husband crazy with wanting to spend all our money, LOL.. So, it's one thing at time for me and hopefully I'll be able to fit some of these into my schedule as the year goes on as I continue to grow and learn new things...
Thanks for reading and letting me share! Hope to meet some of you online or at a retreat in one of these workshops!

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