In just a few weeks, both my boys will be in school!
I have some special news on the way, so hopefully you'll stick around and check back soon!
For now, I am looking forward to what lies ahead and taking in every day as it comes. Life can be such an adventure if you take time to enjoy the ride. Ups and downs are really part of the journey to your destiny, something I strongly believe. If you have never fallen, you will never learn how to rise up and you can take that to the bank!
Anyhow, today is my youngest son's 5th Birthday!!!! Wow, I can't believe my eyes when I see how much he has grown these past years. He will be joining his brother this school year as he starts Kindergarten! Yay! Now...what to do with my free time?? Well, that's part of the special news I mentioned above, hehehe...
Before I go and until then, just want to give a shout out to my birthday boy! Yes, he is a SF Giants fan :)

1 comment:
Oh Dahlia, dear sweet lady, I've missed you girl!
It surely is bittersweet in watching our babies grow and go off to school, isn't it? :)
I shall surely be waiting for your return and look forward to what you have in store for not only us, but for yourself! Squee! I am SUPER excited for you darlin'!
You always come bearing wisdom from your life experiences - that is a GOOD thing dear one! It provokes thoughts and I'm sure it challenges many hearts as well ;)
I love life and all that it encompasses and I'd say the ride thus far has DEFINITELY been filled with ups and downs. Life, for me, can truly be like a roller coaster at times. Fast as lightning to take a plunge downward followed by the inching upward to a new high! Oh, but once there, don't you just KNOW I'm shouting out with pure joy! Woot, woot ... yeah! :D
May the final days of this summer find y'all making more sweet and precious memories for the Co Family scrapbooks!
See you soon - XOXO
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