This finally arrived on my doorstep... :) And once I opened it, I could not help but get all teary eyed. Something about seeing your work and designs printed and reading the heartfelt words that I poured out on these pages, really resonates this sweet, fulfilling joy deep within... Especially when you see your son reading them with such enthusiasm and happiness that I created them about him and for him... Shutterfly does such a great job with these and I loved the look and feel of the photo pages overall. I also plan to make one for my youngest soon because I know he is anxious to have one of his own. Anyways, here's a few photos to share....
Front Cover
Some of my very first layouts dating back in 2007
Some of my recent layouts using my own ORIGINAL designs...
Josiah so happy with his first photo book
His eyes just melts my heart... I know he is thankful for it...
Josiah pointing at his favorite photo of him and one of his buddies at school....
*Sigh*.... I can't even express how much I love my boys and how much I cherish every single day with them. In just a few weeks, Josiah will be graduating from Kindergarten and going into the 1st grade while Lucas will be starting Kindergarten as well. Such an exciting and fun age they are in and I love, love, love being a part of their lives. So many memories and stories to share with them when their older, but photo books are so wonderful to have because I never know whether or not I'll be able to, just keeping it real...

Oh Dahlia! You took the *sigh* right out of my mouth girl! I was getting flutters in my heart when reading your words. I felt the very same way as Josiah when looking through my Mother's Day gift from daughter #2, which was the first six months of my granddaughter's precious little life! I've had it since Monday and take a gander through it at least twice a day! LOL!
Thank you SO much for sharing Josiah's first Shutterfly book! I have one to finish up for my grandson's second year and it will be "my" very first Shutterfly book to create.
I must say that I was inspired to see you keep your original layouts as opposed to redoing them. When I first started digital scrapbooking (6+ years ago), it was very different than it is now and I've had it in my mind to redo my pages, however, I think that I will leave them as they are for several different reasons after viewing yours! :)
Have an AMAZING day lovely lady and I am looking forward to hearing about your classes with Scarlett Lime!
THANK YOU for the love, Linda! Hope to see your "first" Shutterfly book as well! It's starts to get addicting after awhile, LOL!
And I love holding on to my older layouts because I can see how much I've grown and to know that I've come a long way... Plus, I don't really have time to redo them anyways :)
I haven't really started on any projects for the workshop, but the class is amazing so far... Lots of creative inspiration!
Hope you have a wonderful week!!!!!
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