Right now, I should be working on several projects that need to get done on my to-do list, but with such a crazy schedule it's hard to focus on one thing at times. Being a stay at home mom and a independent designer can be challenging because there are times when it feels too overwhelming. First, you have a 24/7 job as a mother and wife to keep the family and home happy. Then, out of the entire day I may have a few hours here and there to design and fulfill assignments for my shop along with investing time to promote and advertise as much as possible. In order to keep the momentum going for customers and followers to commit to you, you can't afford to be inconsistent, otherwise this business will never really grow or succeed very well or even at all. It's tough and there are moments where I wonder if I'm wasting my time, but I feel like this is my passion and I love what I do so I am reminded that PERSEVERANCE is key.
I may not be on the cover of a magazine or have 10,000 followers on my social media sites, but I know that even those who have succeeded to that level, started out at the bottom. Success doesn't happen over night and it sure doesn't just fall on your lap. There's so many out there who have had to work extremely hard, some may have had to make huge sacrifices, or had dealt with failure before they were able to reach the top. Mistakes are always your best teachers because that is where the most valuable lessons are learned. Whatever the case, true success never comes easy, it always comes with a price.
The other day, I sat in my car and instead of praying like I usually do, I asked God to just speak to my heart and I will listen. This is what I felt resonated in heart, "...there's more to life than what you think, there's more in store, but how much are you willing to give or sacrifice in order to receive it?" I sat there and meditated on that simple, but profound message. I realized there were a lot of things in my life that needed to be eliminated or simplified because they were taking my focus away from my vision that I had for my life, my family, and my purpose. They weren't necessarily bad things, but it were little things that ended up becoming big distractions which took away my focus on the areas of my life that I needed to give more attention to. Balance is basically what I often have a hard time achieving, which means my priorities need to be straightened out and in place. Not at all easy to do, but it's definitely something I am learning as I go as I travel this journey...
So, hopefully this is just one of those lessons that I can share with someone out there who may feel like they've almost lost their passion or desire to succeed in doing what they love to do as a career... It's so easy to give up, but as long as you remember to SIMPLIFY your life, find BALANCE and to stay FOCUSED, but most of all PERSEVERE.... You will SUCCEED!!!

Darling girl, could we be twins? LOL! Hardly, as you are much younger and far more beautiful, but we sure are sharing the save wavelength and when I saw your post title on my blog roll, you could not have picked more fitting words!
My family hears me speak of not mistaking my persistence for stubbornness quite often!
Dahlia, I heartily agree with all you have posted as here I am, four years later, still trying to make a comeback despite all that has distracted me! I, too, strive for simplifying my life and finding a balance that works for me and that will, one day soon (God willing!), find me much more productive rather than the "hit 'n miss" I've presented myself to be the past year or so.
I can feel your heart and you are passionate about your career as a designer. It shows in your beautiful creations and in your writings as well.
I am learning to visualize myself where I wish to be and to focus my energy on the positive. This may sound trivial, but I just recently watched an interesting documentary that now has me saying, "I want" rather than, "I don't want". A good example of that for me would be vocalizing that, "I wish/want to live the remainder of my days fit and healthy" rather than putting that energy into saying, "I don't want to be overweight the rest of my life"!
Well, enough of my rambling. Thank you for speaking my language today and helping me clarify some of the things I need to tend to in hopes of achieving my personal balance as quickly as possible!
Have a beautiful evening and I wish you a Happy "early" Mother's Day sweet lady!
Love and hugs,
Linda XX
You are so so so sweet! Love you to pieces, Linda! I am touched by your kindness and thankful for this friendship. We need to meet in person one day! xoxo
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