Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Love Letter

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and light for my path" 

One night I was laying in bed, unable to sleep. Feeling this heaviness that I couldn't explain. We were back from our trip to Napa and though I had an awesome time, coming back to reality and the challenges that I face everyday, were starting to overwhelm me.

So I picked up the Bible and read a few pages. Then I noticed one of the books on my nightstand was an old Hymn book that was given to me by my grandmother. I flipped through the pages, searching for songs that I was familiar with like "Amazing Grace". But then, I took some time to look at ones that I never heard of and began to read the lyrics which didn't occur to me that I'd find myself weeping. These words were like poetry spoken in a way that reflected how I was feeling at the moment. Discouraged. Anxious. Insecure. Inadequate. Distressed. But, it also gave me comfort, healing, and hope. It felt like an invitation from God to just leave it all to Him and not lose heart that in whatever I am going through, He understands and cares...

What really hit home to me was a small devotion that said "A Letter" written on one of the pages. I know that whoever wrote this, probably felt just as I did at the moment....

Dear Child,
Lately I have noticed that the noise and pressures of the world and the demands of your commitment have left you exhausted and discouraged.
I just want you to know that in it all, I am with you. Draw from Me. Let Me give you peace deep down where the world can never touch it. Make My words a part of you and they will make you strong. Whisper them to the morning...repeat them when the sun is low...draw from them in the heat of the day. Here are My words: "I have something very special for you...a gift that is peace of mind and heart. And this peace I give isn't fragile like the peace the world gives So don't let your heart be troubled and don't let it be afraid. Just remember that all I am and have is yours if you'll just learn to trust Me." 
With all my Love,
I went to bed with tears on my pillow, but I awoke the next morning with renewed strength and confidence. Being that I know a lot of people who struggle with feeling overwhelmed, weary, and discouraged was what enacted me to post about this. Hope whoever reads this, will find that peace waiting for them as they come to acknowledge the love and grace of our Father in heaven...

Peace and love,


Whitney said...

So good!

Bernadette said...

My ex and I were in Vegas many years ago and we got into a huge fight. I excused myself to the bathroom from the restaurant floor to catch my breath and wipe my tears. I stood in front of the mirror looking down, and the female bathroom attendant, without saying a word, handed me a torn off, folded up piece of paper with "God only gives us what we can handle" handwritten on it. Of course it made me cry even more. I smiled and said 'thank you'. She smiled in return. I still have that piece of paper in a box on my vanity.

Dahlia Co said...

So true! We all go through times of testing in life and I truly believe that it only makes us stronger. Such an inspiring story about something so unexpected that turned into something so memorable:) Thanks for sharing Bernadette <3