Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Together Again...

The past month has been pretty difficult for some friends and family I know that have had to suffer the loss of a loved one. I have had the privilege to create a memorial video for a special friend in honor of her mother. In doing so, it brought back my own recollection of memories of my past and the pain I felt when I lost my own mother. It is never easy to lose someone so close to your heart and even more difficult to let go of them when they do pass on. I know that although it has been one of the biggest challenges in my life growing up without my mother and father, it has also been the greatest lesson. It has taught me to value my life and those I love beyond measure. Every day is a gift and I have learned over the years to take the time to treasure the moments, both big and small. It has given me the chance to make every day more meaningful, not just for myself, but for my family. I want them to remember my love for them and the only way to do that is make more time to show it, be more of a friend and confidant, to smile and laugh often, and to make the most effort to forgive and to love unconditionally. Most of all, to be more like Christ in giving my life as a living sacrifice to serve and protect those I love... I'm not a perfect person, nor are any of us, but we all can strive to make each day count in letting our loved ones know, that you love and care about them, we can make amends and forgive one another, we can send a letter, dial a number, email, text, post it up on FB, whatever you need to do, to let that person know how much they mean to you, before it's too late...

Here is a video of Janet Jackson's "Together Again" that my sister sent to me that brought a smile to my face. Hope it does the same for you....

Be blessed,

1 comment:

BajaEmas said...
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